Suzanne Michelle💖

1 year ago
Whenever depression & anxiety grab me and try to pull me under, I look to the sweet face of my baby girl - full of innocence and wonder, surrounded by the deep unknown - she pulls me back up. I will stay afloat 💖 I'm sharing these words of mine because it helps to know that I am not alone - we are not alone - no matter how much our thoughts try to tell us that. Wishing you all a beautiful day and an even brighter tomorrow🙏🌅 I'll be by in the morning to visit your gorgeous galleries🎨


1 year ago

Crystal 🇨🇦

1 year ago

Crystal 🇨🇦

1 year ago
Beautiful dedication, children have the best energy!

Crystal 🇨🇦

1 year ago
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


1 year ago
Absolutely adorable ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


1 year ago
Isn’t this SWEET. And even sweeter that you gather strength from the love for your darling baby girl. I have been there… we all have to some degree. It can be a cruel and sad world at times and it often seems like the tide is working against you, but the tide always comes back in, doesn’t it? 🥰 Wishing you a beautiful & happy day, dear friend.

jenniT 🫶🏽

1 year ago

Lisa Mays

1 year ago

Peyz33 aka Karen🍃🇺🇸

1 year ago
Oh hunny it’s so very true that we all feel isolated and lonely at the most unexpected times. When I had my pups they pulled me back into the sunlight - walking them pushed me to get out and breathe the fresh air - without them now I feel the sting much more - but recolor has always been my path back - as much as I wish I had my fur baby’s I’m so grateful for recolor and people like you who remind me every day I’m not alone♥️this is a Beautiful coloring♥️


1 year ago
Adorable! Your narrative was very inspirational

Suzanne Michelle💖

1 year ago
@Peeps Amen to that, sweet Peeps🤗 The tide does roll back in. Thank you SO much for your comforting words! I also appreciate that you can relate - like you said, we've all been through it to some degree - but it is SO nice when someone (such as yourself) can say you've been there because it gives hope to others (such as myself) that we'll GET through it🥹🥰

Suzanne Michelle💖

1 year ago
@Peyz33 aka Karen 🇺🇸✨🫶🏼 Awww, Karen🤗🤗🤗 Thank you SO much for sharing that with me! My heart goes out to you - it is SO difficult losing fur babies because they're the sweetest, most nonjudgmental members of the family😢🩷 (Although, I had a very judgy cat😹 She is missed😇) I truly appreciate that you can relate to what I said. It means a lot to me🤗💖

Art-Z-Fart-Z #2

1 year ago
Adorable sweet friend 🥰🥰🥰 🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞 💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤 🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞🖤💞

Suzanne Michelle💖

1 year ago
@Crystal 🇨🇦 Aww thank you, dear Crystal 🤗 I really appreciate your thoughtful comments💖

Suzanne Michelle💖

1 year ago
@Reggie Thank you SO much, sweet Reggie🤗 I'm grateful that it held meaning for you🩷

LeilaG 🎨

1 year ago
My Precious and Sweet Friend ❤️I’m so sorry darling ☹️You’re not Alone…you’re Loved Sweetheart ❤️Never Forget that. I’m glad you’re staying will Stay Afloat! I’m here for you if you need to talk hunny 😘🤩You’re a Wonderful and Amazing Person. Love you Darling 🌹❤️Please take Care and Stay Strong ❤️🌺🌸🙏Blessings and Much Love 🙏

LeilaG 🎨

1 year ago
This is Absolutely Gorgeous and Sweet my dearest Friend 😘🤩😘🤩🤩🌹🌹👏👏

Dee Van

1 year ago
You are not alone! Ever! I battle both as well. You’ve got God and friends and family! So many blessings. Let me know if you ever want to talk, go hug that baby of yours😃


1 year ago
Beautiful message and a beautiful picture ☺️🖤✨