
1 year ago
You guys there is so much I need to unfold with this lemme tell youu


1 year ago
First off, for all the girls out there that think that they need someone to complete them, you're wrong


1 year ago
For those girls who think that they need someone to hold them together, you're wrong


1 year ago
We are so much stronger than that, we've fought through so much more than that


1 year ago
You don't always need a man to tell you that they love you, before you even let a man tell you that, you need to know that for yourself


1 year ago
Even for people who already have someone, they don't define you, they don't determine who you are as person, color, race, etc.


1 year ago
Like me for instance, I'm a fighter, and I don't need someone to tell me that I am. I know that I'm smart, I don't need someone telling me that I know I'm beautiful, I don't need someone telling me that


1 year ago
And neither do any of you. I know I'm a queen, I don't need anyone man telling me that Honestly I'm a king too. I don't need someone to be my knight and shining armor or to fill in that spot, I am my own queen, my own knight, my own king


1 year ago
I'm saying this because a lot of times, people need to be reminded of that


1 year ago
And honestly disagree if you want to, but you know I'm saying nothing but facts Nothing but the truth


1 year ago
A lot of us girls may think we need a man in general, when in reality we really don't


1 year ago
When a man enters our life, our hearts, you want them to be there for you, realize that they were the person missing in your life


1 year ago
Realize that they will support you, and that they are your ride or d!e


1 year ago
They've always got your back, they're not ever gonna leave your side


1 year ago
And although family and yourself comes first, you are also their priority


1 year ago
You want them to be the ones who make you smile, make you laugh, you don't feel f0rced to love them


1 year ago
You want to feel comfortable around them, and you're able to be yourself, and not someone you're not


1 year ago
You can talk to them about anything, anything at all, they are your go to person


1 year ago
And ik for a fact that every single one of you whether they're a friend or your partner, you know that you have that certain person in your life


1 year ago
And even if you haven't known yet, open your eyes and realize that they've been in front of you this whole dam time