
2 years ago


2 years ago
Look, it’s rushed okay


2 years ago
Even the drawing is


2 years ago
Not just the coloring


2 years ago
I was sick and then once I get back to school I had three tests, one on something I hadn’t even fully learned. Gotta love having to make a works sited page, figuring out how to do this one thing with signal phrases, Algebra ll(need I go on?), and some health stuff

【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】

2 years ago
Uuuuu~ It think it looks very noice even if it’s rushed :3!!! ((Also that really sucks- I really hope u somehow passed ;_____; and like algebra sucks like ughhh-))


2 years ago
@【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】 thank youuuuuu (as long as I have formulas I’m ready to go. But it was luckily a test to see if we understand the subject and even if we got the actual figuring out wrong, if we figured out how to format it we’d get some points. I know I got one question right, but on all the others only got the formatting correct) I’m just hoping for a 80 or something, or atleast a passing grade.


2 years ago
@【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】 honestly I hate math with triangles the most bc I keep forgetting the formulas for it when we take the test.

【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】

2 years ago
@Dreamer Awh that sucks ;-; I remember having to do that on mah first day of Alg. II but fortunately it was only a completion grade so it didn’t matter...but we’ll hv a test on Tue. On everything so I like hope I pass that lel ((But like I hope u passed too cuz like that’s super unfair u had to take a test after being sick >:( ))

【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】

2 years ago
Ah trigonometry I was honestly “ok” with it.. But like I just rlly hate math so idrk how I keep on getting it as a advanced class tbh lel


2 years ago
@【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】 honestly at some points I look at my notes and question what I even wrote down

【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】

2 years ago
@Dreamer Ahahah yesss frrrr- I get like super unlucky w/ the teacher and like they don’t teach well so I’m here like “eXcUSe Me WhAt iS tHat” Like on the first day we had a question on “Sigma” and we were all just so so so confused.


2 years ago
@【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】 w..whAT IS SIGMA?

【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】

2 years ago
@Dreamer This weird thing: Σ There’s suppose to be an equation on its side, a variable on its top, and on the bottom I think. Dood it was the worst ngl.


2 years ago
@【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】 I got lucky with my teacher, she’s pretty nice and will take quite a bit of class time of stuff other teachers won’t. Bad thing is that my grades lunch is at the middle school, so if we want to redo a test, we’re gonna have to choose between eating or redoing that at lunch

【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】

2 years ago
Thankfully he just gave it away as a free point since he realized we hadn’t learned abt it yet ;-;


2 years ago
@【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】 I’m hoping that everyone in my class either failed or barely made it so she’ll let us all take class time to do it

【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】

2 years ago
@Dreamer What that’s like kind of messed up??? Like y’all need to eat to be strung bois- But like luckyyyy mah skOol iS SupEr StriCt so there’s nooo wayyy that they’d EVER let us makeup a test ;_______;


2 years ago
@【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】 my school has us have lunch at 1pm and at different building then most of our classes. When ever we have a class at the junior/middle school, or we’re at the middle and have to go to the highschool, we only have five minutes to make it there like all the others students have that don’t change buildings. So basically they expect all of us to track athletes.


2 years ago
@【 KIRあ_WAV.File 】 oof. Well some teachers do, but some don’t. I got lucky that my math teacher does. And ikkkkk, plenty of us don’t even eat breakfast in the morning, and some might not have dinner so lunch is like the only point of the day we are guaranteed to have food